Torus blueprint of existence, every level of existence

Divine designs in nature are based on the torus. This is sacred architecture. 

Torus blueprint of existence, every level of existence..

There is pervasiveness of the torus configuration throughout all of existence Surah Fussilat [41:53] - Al-Qur'an al-Kareem - القرآن الكريم

Sahih International translation of the verse above: We will show them Our signs in the horizons and within themselves until it becomes clear to them that it is the truth. But is it not sufficient concerning your Lord that He is, over all things, a Witness?

The human torus is shown below:

This is clear exposition on immanence and transcendence using isomorphism.

There exist correspondence in the structure between that which lie within every level within each of us individual human beings with every other level outside:

The bare basic torus configuration is shown below:

From this basic blueprint, we find that all other naturally occurring entities are substantially the same pattern. That also means the creation of the first man Adam (peace be upon him).

"“Allah created Adam in His/his image" is found in the hadith Bukhari and Muslim:

Epistemology: All knowledge can be found within our imagination. Knowledge has to be built into our existence. Because of the infinitude of possibilities that exists in our imagination, the imagination is the seat of knowledge. There is no impossibility in the imagination.

Does evolutionary biology deny the existence of the morphogenic field which is an objective measurable field?

If it does, then the discussion stops. The morphogenic field holds images and is what gives us consciousness.

This is the crux of the matter.

How did humans attain consciousness which has led to the unfolding of history or is it true that human consciousness of the individual is an illusion and that we are part of the cosmic consciousness?

Can waves be separate from the ocean? Do waves exist separately from the ocean?

As I see it, as long as modern science deny the existence of chakras, it will continue to be stuck where it is today.

Chakras which are part of the morphogenic field, is a torus field which originates from the heart and proceed outwards from there.

The zero point of the torus field lie at the heart. I refuse to use the phrase "in the heart" because you cannot find the zero point of the torus field "within the confines of the heart."

Useful analogy: Where can the zero point of a doughnut be found?

I'll just state the morphogenic field is the seat of all knowledge.

It is magnetic in nature and works like an MRI scanner and magnetic disc drive rolled into one.

Reference: Isomorphism: Torus blueprint of existence, every level of existence -
